Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Blog Post 2/14

This article by Justin Haskins of Fox News, discusses the progress made by President Donald Trump to help make our economy great again. He has made tremendous growth since taking office last year despite the stock prices falling in the earlier month of 2018. However polling shows that Democrats have the advantage over Republicans in the congressional midterm elections that will be held in November which will make matters worse. President Trump and Republicans will have to prove to the people the accomplishments they have made with economic policies in order to preserve the GOP majorities in the House and Senate and if Trump wants to be re-elected in 2020. There are actually a fair amount of things the Republicans can use as back up to saying they will and are making the economy great again.

The unemployment rate has dropped dramatically since Trump was inaugurated. According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, from October 2016 to December last year, the national unemployment rate dropped by eight-tenths of a percentage point. There has been no increase or improvement from any other President since 1960. Believe it or not women have also benefitted economically since Trump became president because women of age 20 and older have seen great growth economically and the women unemployment rate dropped by sixth-tenths of a percentage point. Blue Collar Workers have benefitted, more than 2.8 million full time jobs have been created since 2016, the gross domestic product has skyrocketed, remarkable drops in enrollment in welfare programs and other things such as taxes being lowered have all happened since Trump took office. Tax cuts on businesses means more money to grow and hire people which helps with unemployment also. The current top corporate tax rate is 21% making that 14 percentage points lower than the previous rate of 35. It is safe to say Trump is doing a good job of helping Americans grow economically. I do agree with everything he is doing to help us achieve the goal of being great again. The tax cuts have probably been the most eye opening and major thing to me because it has been such an ongoing topic of discussion and I think it is a sigh of relief to some that have hoped for this for so long.

When I think about accomplishments and promises that have been fulfilled since Trump took office these things listed in the article are some that come to mind. In the long run you either like Trump or not and you either like what he is doing or you don't. In my opinion what he has done is great economically whereas some other things he does may not be. I do believe these economic accomplishments he has made are a good and relieving thing for America. I hope that it continues to grow and people will become more aware of the growing issues with money and realize not everything has to be negative. I do also believe Trump is trying to help everyone not just a certain class or culture by the decisions he makes. Economics are huge in America and the tremendous growth in the last year is finally showing.


  1. I love all of the statistics that you have in your second paragraph! Next time, try to tie in specific concepts we have talked about in class. For example, you could have talked about the public opinion of Trump.. etc.


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