
Showing posts from February, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Blog Post 2/14 This article by Justin Haskins of Fox News, discusses the progress made by President Donald Trump to help make our economy great again. He has made tremendous growth since taking office last year despite the stock prices falling in the earlier month of 2018. However polling shows that Democrats have the advantage over Republicans in the congressional midterm elections that will be held in November which will make matters worse. President Trump and Republicans will have to prove to the people the accomplishments they have made with economic policies in order to preserve the GOP majorities in the House and Senate and if Trump wants to be re-elected in 2020. There are actually a fair amount of things the Republicans can use as back up to saying they will and are making the economy great again. The unemployment rate has dropped dramatically since Trump was inaugurated. Accor

Blog Post 1

On February 7, 2018 at the White House in Washington, D.C. a speech was held by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. He spoke to confirm that the 850 immigrants who are currently serving in the military or waiting to start basic training would not face deportation even with the ongoing issues of people who came here illegally as children. Unless they have committed a serious felony or a judge has issued a specific deportation for them all veterans and those honorably discharged will be safe. In September President Trump said he was banning the DACA program which provided people who were brought here as children who are now living here illegally from deportation. All of those DACA service members came under a special recruitment program called the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest. They look for people who can offer special skills such as speaking another language fluently. Congress continues to struggle finding a legislative solution. This post relates to AP Gov class because